The Best Self-Defense Strategy - The 6 Phases Of A Perfect Self-Defense Plan

Contrary to popular belief, there is a big difference between a fight and a self-defense situation. While both may look the same on a physical, combative level, the reason that each participant is there is very different. As a general rule, a fight is a contest involving two or more willing participants, all trying to "win" or prove that they are "right." A self-defense situation, on the other hand, may involve more than one willing participant but, they are all on the SAME side!
The defender in a self-protection encounter is the unwilling target of an attack launched by another who is trying to take something from her. As a result, she is not trying to win or lose necessarily, as much as she's trying to get out of the situation altogether.
The following is a list of the six general phases of progression that one goes through in being properly prepared for a self-defense situation - beginning with the least amount of threat to the defender and leading to that which poses the greatest potential for damage. Each phase, or stage, itself, has the potential of reducing or completely eliminating your chances of ending up as a crime statistic as a victim of assault or some other serious crime.
If you are to be properly prepared to maintain a safe and danger-free life, you must insure that your training takes all of these phases into consideration.
1. General Awareness - Accept that there is danger in the world and choose to do something about NOT being a victim of it.
2. Awareness of Danger Potential - Tune-in and be aware of your surroundings. Know that the sooner you can be aware of danger that might affect you, the more choices you have for dealing with it. 
3. Escaping to Safety - Know how to choose good escape routes from where you are. Have escape routes pre-planned from your home and everywhere else you frequent regularly. And, have multiple routes to and from places like work, the mall, school(s), and of course, your home.
4. Distraction Tactics - Don't be in a hurry to fight. If at all possible, use humor, trickery, and other non-threatening, non-confrontational strategies to diffuse the situation or distract the attacker's mind away from you as the target.
5.Project a Confident Attitude - As a last resort, use firm, committed speech and body language to try to dissuade the assailant from going through with his plan to attack. Let him know, in no uncertain terms, that you will not be an easy target.
6.Physical Self-Defense - If all else fails, and you end up at this phase - be prepared to win.
It's important to note that "physical self-defense" comes at the end of the list. This is never the preferred choice for handling things as there is always the chance, no matter how good you are, of something going wrong.
As I said, the more options you have in being able to avoid or escape from a situation before it gets physical, the greater your chances of success with the least amount of wear-and-tear.
But, remember: If you must fight, then do everything in your power to go home safely. After all, this is about "defense", right?

Almonds- Great For Health !

Almonds are an easily digestible food. They are a good source of protein, essential fatty acids, fiber, and minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, and copper.

They are also among the best whole food sources of vitamin E in the form of D-alpha tocopherol. Almonds are actually the fruits of deciduous (meaning that the leaves fall off every year) trees originally found in Asia and North Africa.

Almonds are extremely rich in proteins so they are ideal for hair and skin. They are abundant in phosphorus, which is good for bones and teeth. They are higher in calcium than all other nuts. They are also higher in fiber than any other nut.

They are one of the healthiest snacks and are the most widely-used nut for confectionery items like candy bars, cakes, toppings, etc.

Almonds are a great source of monounsaturated fat, which lowers "bad" LDL cholesterol and raises "good" HDL cholesterol.

Almonds are even lower in saturated fat than olive oil, and one study in California found them more effective in reducing cholesterol.

If you think almonds are just for satisfying your mid-afternoon munchies, you're in for a surprise. If you're pregnant, or thinking about it, almonds are a great source of the folic acid you need.

Many of the nutrients found in almonds are believed to have positive effects on several different types of cancer.

Because almonds are a plant food, they contain no cholesterol.

Bitter almonds are used mostly for cooking and cosmetics. On the contrary, sweet almonds are delicious and healthful.

From folic acid to fiber, almonds are your personal nutritional powerhouses. 90 percent of the fats in almonds are unsaturated, and the nuts are high in protein, fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin E, and other antioxidants.

Today, almonds are cultivated in many of the countries that border the Mediterranean Sea including Spain, Italy, Portugal and Morocco, as well as in California.


Vitamin E is believed to play a role in preventing heart disease, certain kinds of cancer and cataract formation.

Flavonoids in the skins of almonds in addition to the vitamin E in the nut, offer more than double the amount of antioxidants than either provide alone.

Almonds contain generous amounts of vitamin E, considered a powerful antioxidant with cancer-fighting qualities.

Of the antioxidants your body cannot make, vitamin E is one of the most important because it breaks the destructive chain free radicals start, protecting your cells from harm.

But getting enough vitamin E can be tricky in today's fast-food world, which is one reason adding almonds to your diet are a smart idea.

A one ounce serving of almonds provides 7 grams of protein, is an excellent source of magnesium and the antioxidants vitamin E.

A one-ounce handful of almonds offers heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, the antioxidant vitamin E, protein, fiber, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorous and iron, all in 160 calories.


The high levels of monounsaturated fat found in most nuts may be partly responsible for the observed association between frequent nut consumption and reduced risk of coronary heart disease. From heart disease to cancer, almonds are fighting for your good health.

Since cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease, adding almonds to your diet is a great way to keep that risk under control.

A diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol and rich in the monounsaturated fat found in almonds can help reduce your risk for heart disease.

Speaking of health, 23 almonds a day will likely reduce your triglyceride levels, an established risk fact for developing heart disease, according to nutrition research funded by the Almond Board.

Getting Back With My Ex - How To Get Your Ex From Their Recent Love

"Getting back with my ex is my only wish, but they already met someone else!" The situation may seem desperate, but you need to reconsider the facts. If this is your ex's wish, then there are not many things that you can do about it. What you can do is get out of this situation walking straight, with dignity. Here are some ideas on how to do that.
Do Not Come Between Them
It may seem difficult to refrain from getting involved into ruining your ex's new relationship, but you must do it at all costs. Just imagine how much this will tarnish your reputation, not just in front of your ex, but of your friends, as well. If you do that, you will be labeled as a drama queen and many will avoid getting in touch with you for that reason only.
Take Time to Heal
When you see your ex with someone else, you only keep thinking: "Getting back with my ex is impossible now, what should I do?" We will tell you what you need to do. You need to heal yourself, but not through jumping into a new relationship. It is tough to be alone, but it will not serve you at all to get mingled with someone else, just for the sake of being with someone. It will only hurt you and the other person, as well.
Time Can Be on Your Side
Now that your ex is with someone else, you feel like time is your biggest enemy. All the hours of the day you used to spend in their company are now empty. Use this to your advantage. Take it as free time to do all the things you wanted to do before, but couldn't, because of your commitments to your ex. There must be something you love doing, and now you are free to do it. Fill your schedule with pleasant activities and time will be flying!

Rudal-Rudal Iran

Roket Fajr 3 adalan roket Iran yang merupakan roket generasi ke tiga dari roket Katyusha (Roket legendaris buatan Rusia). Fajr berarti "pagi" dlm bahasa persia.

Roket Fajr 3 mempunyai panjang 5.2 meter, diameter 240 mm dengan jangkauan 45 Km (25-30 miles), Berat roket 407 kilograms, dan dapat membawa hulu ledak seberat 45-kilogram.

Produksi roket ini di mulai pada bulan Maret 1990 oleh Shahid Bagheri Industries setelah Menteri Pertahana Iran, Akbar Torkam, memberi lampu hijau. Produksi roket ini di bantuan oleh Korea Utara.

Roket Fajr 3 digunakan oleh Angkatan Darat Iran sebagai Artileri reguler. Iran juga men-supply Roket ini ke pihak Hezbollah di lebanon. Roket yg disupply bernama Roket Khaibar-1.

Roket Fajr 3 merupakan misil balistik jarak menengah, daya jangkauan diperkirakan 45-75 km. Pihak Iran mengatakan misil ini dapat mengelabui deteksi radar dan mempunyai hulu ledak dengan sistem "multiple independently targeted reentry vehicles" (MIRV). MIRV adalah hulu ledak yang dapat menyerang beberapa target dalam sekali peluncuran.

Roket Fajr 3

Spoiler for Iran Misil:

Liat... Ternyata fajr 5 tidak ada apa-apanya bila dibandingkan dengan sejil dan shahab3...kalau roket-roket itu di luncurin bisa hancur bumi kita.

::Ini gambar-gambar dari Rudal-rudal sejil, shahab3, ghadr-110, Rudal Kapal Selam dan Rudal Nuklir yang dimiliki IRAN ::

Spoiler for Roket Sejil:

Sejil Ashura..sejil berhulu ledak nuklir

ini Truk yang bawa si sejil

uji coba sejil


Spoiler for Roket shahab3:

masuk breaking news, lihat saja orangnya jadi kecil gitu..

Shahab 3 saja sudah bikin gemeteran...

Spoiler for Ghadr-110:

Truk tronton yang mengangkut si ghadr-110.

Anda pasti berfikir "Paling segede itu doank rudalnya Iran" Kalau sebesar  itu masih ada lawannya yaitu rudal PATRIOT milik  Israel.. Tapi jangan salah... Masih ada rudal Iran yang lebih besar bahkan 2x lebih besar dari shahab 3
Spoiler for SLV:

ini safir 1 yang lebih besar dari shahab 3 dan sejil

Spoiler for Css-2 dan taepo dong1:

Lihat... Shahab 3 masih kalah besar dari CSS-2... kemudian ada lagi Taepo Dong 1 serta agni II

ternyata ada lagi  yang lebih besar dari CSS2 dan Taepo Dong 1.. Kalau rudal-rudal ini diledakan... Bisa hancur bumi kita tercinta
Spoiler for Css-3 dan taepo dong2:

Taepo Dong 2 jauh lebih besar dan CSS3 lebih besar dari CSS-2

Ternyata Taepo Dong 2 dan CSS3 udah paling gede...ternyata ada lagi
Spoiler for shahab5,shahab6,safir2:

Shahab 5 berhasil dalam uji cobanya

Shahab 5 panjangnya 105 kaki alias 33 Meter lebih 

Inter Continental Balistic Missile (rudal antar benua)

shahab merupakan rudal terbesar dari Iran. Shahab 4 saja dibuat tahun 2000an..dan shahab 6 dibuat tahun 2004..dan sekarang Rudal atau Roket Iran makin menjadi-jadi dan makin dahsyat daya ledaknya

terakhir rudal Ian yang Terbaru dan terbesar.. new SHAHAB.

Spoiler for new shahab:

Bagaimana??? Besar sekali kan shahab 6??? Shahab 4 saja panjangnya 30.03M.. Apalagi yang shahab 6 ini???

Kapan ya Indonesia bisa punya rudal-rudal seperti shahab 6 atau sejil-nya Iran.. Semoga LAPAN dapat membuat yang lebih besar dengan daya hancur yang lebih dahsyat,  agar malaysia tidak berani plagiat kebudayaan negara kita lagi
Ini rudalnya Indonesia... Walaupun masih sebatas SLV. , dan Ini cuma roket hanya sebagai  pengantar satelite saja... Belum diterapkan sebagai roket pemusnah massal seperti milik Iran... Coba jika sudah diterapkan sebagai pemusnah massal.. Sudah dari kemaren-kemaren malaysia tidak ada lagi di peta dunia sepertinya.
Spoiler for SLV Indonesia:

BNI Securities Online Trading Software

BNI Securities Online Trading Software
BNI Securities mewujudkan keinginan nasabah untuk kemudahan dalam bertransaksi dengan menyajikan layanan online trading "esmart", yang memuat fasilitas trading dan market info. BNI Securities merupakan perusahaan sekuritas pertama milik BUMN dengan layanan online trading.

Situs BNI Securities

Situs BNI Securities
BNI Securities menyediakan solusi-solusi finansial secara lengkap untuk menjaga dan meningkatkan nilai nasabah dengan prudent, inovatif dan responsif. Layanan kami disajikan oleh para profesional yang kompeten dan terpercaya yang mengutamakan kepentingan nasabah.

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